Hi new to the forum, but got a feeling I may be on here quite a bit. I recently had to do a board Change at work due to the RCDs on the split load board not meeting the disconnection times. With all circuits put away across the 2 sides of the board and all in the off/open position I energised the board to do the basic mechanical test on the RCDs, ie the test buttons. The 1st one closest to the supply tales serving breakers 1 to 5 operated fine and when tested 1x and 5x was fine and within the times. The 2nd RCD serving breakers 6 to 10 would not operate by the test button and would not disconnect in time when 1x and 5x tested. I swapped the RCDs over to prove a faulty RCD but with no joy as the 1st one now in the 2nd ones place didn't operate on the test button or within the times and the 2nd one in the 1st ones place operated fine within the times and on the test button. although the test buttons don't operate the RCDs trip approx 5 mins after being on with no load on at all. I'm left scratching my head a bit on this one. The only thing I keep thinking of is a possible neutral earth fault somewhere? Any suggestions would gratefully received. Cheers