I have recently added two double sockets in a lounge original nor realising that the source was a spur that someone had already wrongly spure, so two existing double sockets a spur from a spur I then added 2 sockets across the room on a back to back wall essentially creating 4 spurs which obviously tripped the RCB.After realising the mistake I added a 13A fuse before the first socket to prevent tripping and make the original sockets safer also so the order now goes spured power into 13A fused split to feet 2 sockets that in turn feed 1 double socket each. Unfortunately the problem has persisted I have tested all sockets with a fault plug and all register correctly wiring and no faults. I don't know if this is earth leakage from an appliance or RCB failure the main CU only has 2 RCBs one for lights and one for the entire ring Main B32 30mamp load and another B6 for the lights and 1 MCB each which seems minimal