You’ve just reminded me of something that happened years back at the foundry. I’d been off site and on returning I noticed all the lights for the stock ground were off. The contactor for them was in the workshop so that was my first port of call, all OK. Off for a drive around the stock ground, each of the lighting tower isolators were turned off ? ? ? ? Continued my wandering around and came across a van with the back tyres shredded, it was going nowhere. Neither was the driver, he’d broken his leg falling over a piece of scrap. Had great pleasure radioing security to get the police, Oh and by the way call the ambulance please.
The daft thing was, my workshop was the only place with a clear view of the stock ground and I wasn’t in there. If they’d left the lights on they would have been safe!
I’ve had pickies come in to the workshop trying to flog stainless steel they’ve just nicked from our scrap piles. They look confused when they get thanked for sorting the SS out of our scrap as we don’t want it, it screws up the metal mix.