Case closed then! Thanks for that.
Case closed then! Thanks for that.
I know the company Jag***.
I am struggling with the S**?
I know of a large German drives manufacturer, but not just a 3 letter name.
I can think of one possibility, but I did not think they were German, any chance of letting me know to satisfy my curiosity please?
PM if you don't wish the name to be in open forum?
I actually worked for a German drives company at one time, not the one you are describing I think.
Check out the link on post#18 it will explain why and what causes nuisense tripping etc, it has a section on VSD's too explaining the nature of their leakage and how these effect standard RCD's causing them to trip or even blind them, its a little too involved to explain on here but has diagrams and graphs etc to aid understanding.Not sure if I'm barking up the wrong tree but the way I understand how inverters work there is a good chance they may introduce harmonics on to the system which will change the characteristics of the supply frequency and in certain circumstances will increase the neutral current in relations to a RCD obviously a increased neutral current would result in the device tripping.
It may be because harmonics are new to me and I'm seeing potential problems everywhere but with inverters I think this could be a real possibility.
Thanks for link Clicon..... got Sneider catalogues but old ones and dosnt show SI or type B units been looking for a device like this for ages. .......... much appreciated.
Appreciate it as ive built some portable drive kits to a company so they can do onsite repairs to machinery, they are 1ph to 3ph but we are clashing with their customers who either have rcd's tripping with our drives or asking us to fit rcd protection to units to allow to be used on site, at presence i just built in extra safety via monitored earth trip and earthed braided cable to reduce risk of shock. Funny thing is im always chatting to tech' at Sneider but never thought to ask as was unaware a device existed. CheersNo problems. Saved us a lot of headache. A mate worked for the then competition and they were using the same drives and having the same problems we were. Over a beer one night it came up and I mentioned our fix. Turns out they had changed their make of drive totally (to Toshiba I think). It was a bit of a pain as their engineers had to learn new bit of sofware for doing the motor start ups etc. Also they kept with the original motor make which meant entering a lot of parameters manually rather than just telling the drive what motor it was running from an pre-loaded list. Think we got our Si RCDs for about £50 a time. If I think of it I'll dig out the invoice and PM you the exact type we used.
I have thought about this and I will probably give it more considerationGerard, if you are so worried about earthing of portable equipment then maybe you should look at earth proving outlets.
SEW are German and it stands for "Süddeutsche Elektromotoren Werke"
SSB are the other Krautfit I can think of.
What's with all the Secret Squirrel ****e and Masonic PM whispers anyway... they're major manufacturers within our game, just like the mentioned Scheider, Merlin Gerin and IMO Jaguar.
Is there a product placement gagging order in place?
Reply to the thread, titled "RCD protection for portable equipment with Inverters" which is posted in Electrician Talk | All Countries on Electricians Forums.