I've been racking my brain this evening about some RCD selections. I've been doing some work for a solar installer, and they've asked me to do a battery storage setup, specifically with EPS for battery power.
I'm stuck on my RCD selection because basically, I'm going to shift 4x lighting circuits, the boiler, and a double socket into a seperate EPS CU loaded with RCBOs that is fed off the hybrid solar/battery inverter. My issue is selectivity and DC!
Basically the cable route means I can feed the solar inverter off and MCB, no protection required strictly speaking, then the EPS output routes back to the CU cupboard, again cable route means it doesn't have to protected, to the EPS CU where I 100% want to fit RCBOs as I don't want all the customer's lighting knocked out if one circuit has a fault.
Now, the regs don't specifically state we need RCD protection on the solar circuit, but I would like some, primarily to protect the equipment. So my first thought goes to a Type S 100mA RCD, but, Type S RCDs cannot detect DC currents!
So then my next thought is: let's just slap a normal Type A 100mA RCD in there and call it done, but then I'm worried that I'll get nuisance trips because there is no time delay hence not enough selectivity.
What would you guys do? Just leave the solar RCDless? settle for mediocre Type S protection? I'm racking my brain here!!!
Side question, why aren't they making Type A/S or S/A RCDs that are time delayed with the ability to detect DC currents as well???!!!!
I've been racking my brain this evening about some RCD selections. I've been doing some work for a solar installer, and they've asked me to do a battery storage setup, specifically with EPS for battery power.
I'm stuck on my RCD selection because basically, I'm going to shift 4x lighting circuits, the boiler, and a double socket into a seperate EPS CU loaded with RCBOs that is fed off the hybrid solar/battery inverter. My issue is selectivity and DC!
Basically the cable route means I can feed the solar inverter off and MCB, no protection required strictly speaking, then the EPS output routes back to the CU cupboard, again cable route means it doesn't have to protected, to the EPS CU where I 100% want to fit RCBOs as I don't want all the customer's lighting knocked out if one circuit has a fault.
Now, the regs don't specifically state we need RCD protection on the solar circuit, but I would like some, primarily to protect the equipment. So my first thought goes to a Type S 100mA RCD, but, Type S RCDs cannot detect DC currents!
So then my next thought is: let's just slap a normal Type A 100mA RCD in there and call it done, but then I'm worried that I'll get nuisance trips because there is no time delay hence not enough selectivity.
What would you guys do? Just leave the solar RCDless? settle for mediocre Type S protection? I'm racking my brain here!!!
Side question, why aren't they making Type A/S or S/A RCDs that are time delayed with the ability to detect DC currents as well???!!!!