Don’t worry, we had plenty of water to spare. Our own canal and two feeder reservoirs. Plus a 300,000 gallon header tank in the roof of the main shop. The main shop was 120' high.
Believe it or not, you need a lot of water to make iron. Loss of water could result in a major explosion.
One of the tricky jobs I got lumbered with was emptying and refilling the header tank. Three times in one shutdown! The water is treated so you can’t just dump it back in the canal.
You try loosing 900,000 gallons of water. 600,000 gallons went in various settling ponds and clarifiers, 300,000 gallons of untreated water disappeared mysteriously over several nights.
Anyone who thinks being a “maintenance electrician” has anything to do with that weird electrictrickery stuff is deluded.
I loved every moment of it, no two days were the same. If I could I’d be back in the fray tomorrow.