Evening sparks... i'm a relay virgin and need your help.
First one I need a 12v thermostat to bring a 230v pump on... am I right in saying that in a relay your L & N from fuse spur in the top side, a L & N in the bottom side (output) then an 'a1 + a2' which would be my closed contacts from my 12v stat? What is it I need to ask for in the wholesalers please?
Next one... building inspector said he wants a heater (2kw) coming on with the light in the bathroom. Never heard of this regulation before but its on a granny annex I'm currently wiring. Anyway... so similar to the above relay but the time I'm going to have a 230v signal into some sort of relay to pull the contacts together for the heater? Again what sort of device should I be asking for at the counter.
Muchas Grasias.
First one I need a 12v thermostat to bring a 230v pump on... am I right in saying that in a relay your L & N from fuse spur in the top side, a L & N in the bottom side (output) then an 'a1 + a2' which would be my closed contacts from my 12v stat? What is it I need to ask for in the wholesalers please?
Next one... building inspector said he wants a heater (2kw) coming on with the light in the bathroom. Never heard of this regulation before but its on a granny annex I'm currently wiring. Anyway... so similar to the above relay but the time I'm going to have a 230v signal into some sort of relay to pull the contacts together for the heater? Again what sort of device should I be asking for at the counter.
Muchas Grasias.