If the termination of a soil stack by a Durgo is an ancillary work of installing solar PV, then provided the solar PV installer is mcs registered and provided the alteration is done in accordance with building regs, then no separate notification is required. When the notification is made for the PV it covers all parts of the building regs.
"Hello BruceB",
I am NOT trying to be pedantic here:
When a Tradesman who is a Member of a Competent Persons Scheme Notifys Works that are carried out which they are Registered / Qualified to do - `Ancilliary Works` which are Governed by the Building Regulations are obviously required to adhere to the Building Regulations applicable to those Ancilliary Works.
It would NOT be correct to presume that because a Person / Company is Registered in a Competent Persons Scheme for Solar PV Installation - and has had some `Training in Ancilliary Works` - that they would be either Knowledgeable enough OR Qualified / Registered for the Works that are governed / regulated by `Part H` of the Building Regulations - `Drainage & Waste Dispposal` - which is what would apply to theinstallation of the Air Admittance Valve.
It would be the Knowledge of `Part H` of the Building Regulations AND Experience in Drainage and Waste Water Systems that would be lacking in MOST Solar PV Installers - regarding being able to Investigate and make the Decision as to whether the Soil Stack Vent could be terminated to within the Roof Space and an Air Admittance Valve fitted - and NOT affect the `Air behind Water` / Correct Venting of the Drainage System.
So I maintain that it is NOT the ability to Cut Back the Soil Stack Vent Pipe to within the Roof Space and fit the `Durgo Valve` / Air Admittance Valve - BUT - The knowledge and experience to be able to Investigate and make that decision that Solar PV Installers may NOT have.
I am NOT trying to be `Awkward / Funny` here - there are plenty of `Plumbers` who would NOT immediately know how to go about determining whether a Soil Stack Vent could be terminated within the Roof Space with an Air Admittance Valve - allowing for the Correct Venting of the Drainage / Soil & Waste Water Systems of that Home and the Adjacent Homes.
Chris - Plumber - Heating Enginner - Gas Engineer / Heating, Plumbing & Gas Contractor