Been replacing a CCU and doing a few other bits in a flat and a few things have arisen. As a matter of course I always upgrade tails to 25mm when renewing a ccu, am I obliged to or can I leave the old 16mm ones in if the max demand isnt higher than 16mm can take.
Also, on sub mains, Ive had to run 8 meters of tails. I'm going to put in an RCD in the sub main, however as the board is going to have a 63a and 80a RCD both 30mA, what do I need to put in to ensure correct discrimination, ie does the amp rating need to be higher or mA, or both.
Thanks Guys
Also, on sub mains, Ive had to run 8 meters of tails. I'm going to put in an RCD in the sub main, however as the board is going to have a 63a and 80a RCD both 30mA, what do I need to put in to ensure correct discrimination, ie does the amp rating need to be higher or mA, or both.
Thanks Guys