The daughter and her boyfriend are doing up a house. They bought it last year and have totally gutted it. At the moment they have knocked two rooms into one. It's just a shame it's a downstairs room and an upstairs room. Anyway, the floors and walls are being dealt with. Onwards comes the electrics. Now, they've got a spark onboard BUT let's just say he wouldn't be my first choice! Come to think of it he wouldn't be my second choice either but it's not my decision. I've told them what I think but he's a friend of the daughters boyfriend and wants to use him. Anyway, I've spoken to him and to keep things down on a VAT level for him he wants me to source everything and he'll do the work. Before anyone comes up with the usual question, no, I won't be doing anything. Things have moved on too much since I did my 16th edition. I'm happy to stick to my HV stuff. Can't beat a bit of 400kV. I've asked him what make he wants for the CU but all I got was 'Up to you, I'll fit anything'. Not very reasuring. Anyway, I'm going for a full RCBO box. What makes do you lot recommend? I was thinking of the following circuits (again, he's no use!). Downstairs sockets, Upstairs sockets, Kitchen sockets, upstairs lights, downstairs lights, kitchen lights, shower, boiler. What have I forgotten? Bathroom light on downstairs circuit or separate?
Next question - I don't suppose anyone out there want to quote on a full wire job on a 3 bed terraced house in Ynysybwl, 14(ish) miles north of Cardiff, so I can persuade the daughter to knock this guy on the head??
Next question - I don't suppose anyone out there want to quote on a full wire job on a 3 bed terraced house in Ynysybwl, 14(ish) miles north of Cardiff, so I can persuade the daughter to knock this guy on the head??