Thought the subject warranted a bit more consideration and I'm still waiting for Rummy to back up anything he's said thus far on the subject with anything approaching reasoned argument. Like it or not this one's going to hurt gentlemen. I hope the following helps folks understand the what/who/how of the massive con trick and wholesale fraud that sits at the root of the current predicament.
Won't bore you chaps with a wordy fisking of Alistair "whack-a-mole" Darling because frankly he ain't the real problem although he and his fellow travellers are in my view staring at a rope's end for their supine cowardice self serving stupidity. Try this for size....
The con-trick of Fractional Reserve Banking
I Want the Earth Plus 5%. The truth about money, credit and the deficit
Won't bore you chaps with a wordy fisking of Alistair "whack-a-mole" Darling because frankly he ain't the real problem although he and his fellow travellers are in my view staring at a rope's end for their supine cowardice self serving stupidity. Try this for size....
The con-trick of Fractional Reserve Banking
I Want the Earth Plus 5%. The truth about money, credit and the deficit
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