I think I see what you mean. If I understand you correctly the sequence would be ... heating running from boiler, so the N/O valve is closed by the interlock from the boiler controls. Now someone lights the stove. There's no gravity circulation because that valve's closed, so heat builds up in the stove boiler. If your high level stat is close enough to the stove it will receive this heat as well, and close. This breaks the link to the low level N/O valve which then opens and allows circulation through the stove.
That could work as long as that high level stat does in fact sense the stove boiler temperature when there's no flow.
Solid fuel operation only you want the pump be operate only when the gravity return (low level stat) is up to temperature.
That could work as long as that high level stat does in fact sense the stove boiler temperature when there's no flow.
Solid fuel operation only you want the pump be operate only when the gravity return (low level stat) is up to temperature.
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