Is this machine CE marked?
IF so and you modify it then it will no longer comply with its CE marking, and thus will no longer comply with the PUWER98 regulations, this is statute law by the way, so it would be a criminal offence that you had committed by doing the mod if someone got hurt.
There are a few other things to consider, SRPCS and the SIL, or as they used to be called, and the requirements on these remember the possible injury could be a very serious crush or amputation, or even possibly fatal, so your machinery risk assessment should be thorough as should your FMEA.
Modding machinery is a lot more involved and has statute law surrounding it, not like changing a light fitting in a house!
Thank you very much for this info mate, that might have just saved me a few problems. I was unaware of this but will take that into close consideration on a lot of things from now on. Cheers for the heads up.
A pad lock it is then!