i think i start to get the picture now then, its basically getting to the point where we as a race and how we have evolved in to oil hungry peeps, needing it too much, and there's not enough of it to go around so it gets expensive, like you say utimately the price of oil could end up been finite. very worrying really by the sounds of it and given the information to hand, it looks like its set to get even more expensive until something gives...
And the primary point of an elected 'elite' of the great and good is supposedly to protect the security of the nation by concentrating their 'great' minds on the threats that face said nation. It requires a modicum of foresight and the ability to forego expediency and defer self profit in the greater interest. I've been aware of the coming resource depletion for twenty odd years and I'm just an ordinatry member of the public.
So what excuse have the arseholes who are paid handsomely to investigate it full time have to offer for their total inability to predict it until the pump price tells what we are coming to work out for ourselves? I think we have a case for reclaiming their salaries on the grounds of obtaining money under false pretences. How about that to concentrate their great and good minds a little harder? Personally I think after 60yrs of post-war 'modern government' I reckon we've indulged these venal ----ers quite enough, they've fed themselves from our table long enough and would turn them out onto the streets to fend for themselves.
A facet of leadership is to recognise those areas that are about to "give" and reinforce them or circumvent them through perceptive and sound judgement and tactical ability. Not much of either in evidence that I can see.
...and some other cheaper source is available, where there is shed loads of it too make the graphs more balanced.
If only? I hear it a lot; "science will provide" or variations of "they'll think of something" Well they're cutting it damned fine. Fusion is 50yrs plus away if you believe the physicists who let's remember are punting for their share of the funding pie so aren't going to admit it's just a f*cking pipe dream.
Corn oil/ethanol/biomass? Don't work I'm afraid. In America this has been in place for 10yrs now and even with the refining capacity situated in the middle of the source of feedstock it still can't produce a conversion ratio better 1.3-1, meaning that it takes 1.3 units of input energy to produce 1unit of useable transport fuel. And to think I used to think nothing of razzing up motorways to jobs in a honking great 4.2 Jag??
Hydrogen? an incredibly difficult gas to transport and store without losing a great deal to leakage. It is the smallest molecule and therefore is very adept at working past and through any gasket/sealing medium. By the time it hits the back wheels of your £120,000 fuel cell vehicle the energy conversion efficiency has bottomed out at around 5%. Now that's not very green is it?
Oh yes, because of the power requirement for elecrolytic cracking of H2 most of it is currently made from ammonia derived from gas which is totally self negating as it's using even more fossil reserves in its making. So that's that option knackered. If it was going to be a serious option the infrastructure would have needed to have been planned 15yrs ago for nationwide deployment now! Too little, too late and just plain irrelevant govt. tokenism now.
so that programme i watched, maybe a month ago now, that funnly enough had BP doing some interviews etc, was probably some sort of propoganda tactic?
Almost certainly, can y' remember what it was called? sometimes I can find transcripts or archived footage on t'interweb.
quite fritening that humans rely so heavily on oil, its like the start of our economic downfall!
Yep. what's truly frightening is our lack of response
I know the English don't like to cause a fuss but seriously people it's like the country's on moggadon or something?
what i dont get is if we are heading for a few problems cos of oil and ultimately its price then why doesnt this government seriously just cut the tax burden in this country
Because it is seriously in debt and sees no way back without admitting that its performance post-war has been completely wrong. The govt, the banks, industry, media and the 'public' are locked in a arm-linked centrifuge from which it would be impossible to break free without being flung out of the societal norm. Peeps fear that and so continue to cling on for dear life rather than take a risk.
so businesses and civil services, or whoever else needs it,
Y'see that's another one I hear a lot, "the needs of business." All must be subservient to the fabled and sacrosanct needs of business. Now don't get me wrong hear I've run a business and understand what it's about but I want to blow this out of the water right now, business does not NEED anything, business(men)
want NOT need.
As for the civil service I am of the opinion that they too have a case to answer. There are 4 ways of going about procuring an item or service...
(i) You buy something, for yourself, with your own money;
in which case one is motivated to get the best quality you can afford and have a care about how long it lasts and how ultimately useful it will be to you.
(ii) You buy something for somebody else with your own money.
in which case you don't care so much about the quality so long as it'll do the job but you still care about how much it's going to cost you.
(iii) You buy something for yourself with someone else's money
in which case you go for the very best and dont care how much it costs as you're not paying.
(iv) You buy something for somebody else with their money
in which case you don't give a stuff about the quality of what you provide and niether do you give much regard to the cost. This is the status quo at the moment re govt service provision and the army of wonks who service and administer it. The worst of all cases in my view.
shame no one fancies doing a "guy fawkes"!
They do, that's why they imposed a 1000 yard 'exclusion' zone around OUR houses of parliament. Ha! they just don't get this democracy/free speech thing do they. Now tell me again we live in a free country.
ps did you used to work in the oil trade by any chance? you seem very knowledgable on the subject?
No, but am considering doing ROV Pilot trng @£8k for the course.
I don't believe a word that issues from govt now. They simply have no credibility, I just refuse point blank to bull****ted any longer and can now smell it before it hits the ground. I research, read, double check and re-read.
Where'er you hide the truth, e'en in your hearts, then there shall Carter rake for it......Will Shakey