while generating your own sounds great ,when the oil runs out where and how are the compenents for the genny going to be made and from what?
Again, a very good question Wayne. So good in fact that I reckon you should put it in a formal letter and send it our 'man in the know' Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks who knows everything about it as he's never had a job in the energy, manufacturing, servicing or engineering maintenance industry. Just the man obviously.
He has however had a lot of experience extorting a living by being a professional policy forum wonk and 'Professional Social Administrator' whatever the hell that is. Here's another one who I'd gladly batter over the head with the oar if he wanted in to the lifeboat. Well no that's not strictly true, in fact I'd batter him unconcious in the water, drag him onboard and keep beating his worthless carcass until all that remained was a 6 inch stump of oar and all that remained of Mr. Wicks was a sun dried stain on the deck, whichever came first.
Malcolm Wicks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And Then the Government will Announce
All cable must do as we say or else they will not be allowed to operate...and on top of that all this dodgy cable was installed under the tory government..it is not our fault, in fact we are going to make sure it doesn't happen again, we are going to have a minister for cable ...----ers
On top, anyone seen looking at a cable (who has not paid the government looking fee of £2000) will be fined £55.00.
All electricians must be able to spell amp, otherwise a further 50 quid fine will be made. (however the spelling exam will be multiple choice, 40% success is acceptable)
Jackie Smith, the minister for bull **** will oversee all exams (even though she couldn't pass a bus stop) but she is extremely streetwise, only the other day she knew how to install a battery in an overloaded dildo... Hence she is the new minister of sparks

lol, love it, Jacui Smith? Let me count the ways I've imagined her screaming exit from this world. hmmm, this is the idiot who wants police to publish localised interactive 'crime maps' so that people know where to visit if they fancy being mugged, stabbed, raped or heavily f*kn patronized by the most clueless Home Secretary I can recall. Of course the crims will bookmark their local heavily policed hotspots and pitch up wherever the map tells them has the lowest police presence. Surely a work of genius, the stupid bitch. Not only stupid but positively totalitarian as she (along with that squirrel faced, lack-witted harridan Hazel Bleeuurrghs) is the one charged with rolling out the first installment of the N.I.R. (Nat Info Register) and creeping implementation of the unconstitutional (and therefore ILLEGAL) I.D. Card Scheme.
But there is a solution to the problem of Jokey Smith...
I was saving this beauty, the Hilti DX450 'Scrotbuster' for Tony (Miranda) Blair if I ever get the opportunity to be alone with him and a stout desk top....
plus this...
Shot at 2007-11-28 (should have been shot at dawn!) the creative possibilities are endless.
...but since you mentioned that toxic old bag I think I'd rather like to christen it on her. Anybody know if they do a 'raggy old p*ssflap' nailing adaptor for them and what size cartridge should I use to get the loudest scream, and would welder's 'Mole' clamps be a help or hindrance? I do want to produce a professional finish after all.
UPDATE Tuesday 2nd Sept
OK so now they've decided that we are all to become mortgage lenders by offering to bail out those who've f*cked themselves with a huge unpayable mortgage (i.e. borrowed more than they could afford and now whining about it) to the tune of 30%. 'Scuse the f*ck out of me but I didn't want to be in the mortgage securities business, i'm an electrician, nobody asked me if I want to subsidise other people's greed, desperation and rank stoopidity. How dare they? This government basicaly delivered up the british public to the salivating banking professionals and it was always going to be a one-sided contest with the banks the eventual winners. They replaced morality and probity with ineffectual and toothless regulators sworn to protect the wee public investor lambs right up until the point of slaughter that is.
In illustration of this...
Do you remember an advert from 10yrs ago with that fat ---- Robbie Coltrane bouncing up and down on a bed with a laptop in his peejays declaring that
"..aye..wurrr all bank managers noo."
OK then Robbie are you going to organize the 4yr training courses and when do I collect my bank manager's salary and company Volvo?
And that all purpose 'Whack-a-mole' Alistair Darling has announced that he's shifting the Stamp Duty threshold upwards "to encourage the first time buyer". Sorry mate but that isn't the frigging problem and you know it. Listen Alistair, the only reason your in No11 is your abysmal and anonymous record at the Dept of Transport. You were appointed to take the crumbling transport infrastructure off the front page weren't you? Remember Hatfiled, Paddington, Steven Byers. you were the "safe pair of hands" entrusted to take the heat off by doing what you do best ie precisely f*ck all and hiding away from the press. What a complete tw*t. Gordon hoped you'd be able to do the same at the treasury but now you've had to come blinking into the light. Good now we can at least get a clear shot.
The whole stamp duty levy should be summarily scrapped period, it's just another way of dipping our pocket for NO RETURN. Thieving bast0rds. I hear they've recalled Caroline 'Aerobrain' Flint from holiday as the situation is that serious!

Oh God now we're f*ucked.
Ok then, so if you've reduced your net tax take thn you are going to have to reduce some public services aren't you? otherwise you've effectively RAISED the tax burden on the rest of us, savvy? So then, which services are going to be cut???? Come on, which ones??? can we have a list? Oh I seeeee, you're going to allocate the costs to the 2015 public borrowing requirement. So you are borrowing off our kids in the assumption that they will be working and paying tax by then. Bit of a brave assumption dont you think Darling?
He's announced that "we've never been better placed to survive this, I'm optimistic as I have been throughout my chancellorship....but it was
bound to slow down"
So why were you predicting growth up until a few months ago when you knew full well this was coming? Nice suntan by the way darling, been anywhere nice?
Is it any coincidence that News24 have just screened a report about people foraging hedgerows for food in Sheffield?????? Are they softening us up for the main event?