Have they started giving NI credits for people on the dole now?
They never used to.
Credits were only given to people on sickness benefit or income support.
Not a lot of people realise that DSS rules are if you sign on you get a credit towards your state pension although this does not kick in until you are 19-20 so you need to work for 30 years and pay your 52 weeks NI great but if you go abroad to work for 10 years at the age of 20 then you would have to work without a break until you were 60 to retain your state pension When I chucked it at 52 I phoned DSS pensions and enquired and I was told that I was fully paid up so I could get an exemption certificate not to pay class 2 if I wanted. Ironically if you are a waster as they say up here and have been unemployed for most of your adult life then you get full credits towards your state pension but here is the rub my old mum who died last year and worked all of her life got £2.30p a week extra pension(State Pension 2) so she had to pay £50 a towards her rent and £35 towards her rates and she got a £100 cold weather payment but the 2 wasters next door qualified for Income Support as they were termed as poor so they never paid a penny towards their rent or rates making them £85 a month better off than my mum and when the cold weather payment kicked in they got £200 because they were "poor"
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