If the Inverter is less than 3.68 kw and under16 amp,(as the TL3600) as the Inverter if G83 approved it can be installed under G83 rules, IE install first then you have 28 days to inform the DNO that you have connected to the grid.
If the larger TL 4000 is used it is over 3.68kw, so this is installed under G59 rules, which means you have to get prior permission from the DNO before installation, which, they could refuse (very rare) or insist on you paying for upgrades to their system.
Also some DNO's will except a TL4000 that has been restricted to 3.68kw by the installer, but some will only except factory set G83's.
It is your installers that contact the DNO (well they should do), you will have no knowledge of this, you could ask the installers if you are concerned.
I hope this helps