Stay small make money simple
Start employing people = hassle stress worry You think you are making money then someone takes you for a lot of money the HMRC take a big chunk then pensions NI contributions then you need office and staff to man the office whilst your out grafting to pay there wages whilst they play on the computer. You can not have a holiday because everyone phones constantly. Your staff take liberties when your not there costing you more money
It’s been a very big learning curve for me and going from myself to 14 staff working 7 days a week putting a lot of trust and money for training into them and to find myself getting let down constantly When you train them they then think they are better than they are and jump to the quickest job with a few quid a week more kicks you in the teeth when you have treat them like your our kids and treat them constantly
Constantly got other companies trying to rip you off then staff pinching cable etc for there guvvy jobs and using your vans for own use using your fuel and damaging your vehicles decreasing the value then costs of repairs kill you. When asked employee why have you left my van in this state he replied it’s only a works van I replied it’s my van that cost me £12k so if I did this in your car that cost you £2k would you be happy Reply from employee no but what’s the problem. Needless to say he did not last the day and cost me £1350 to repair
Best advise to anyone thinking of going bigger is
there is very few lads left that are good and as listed above in another post if they are really good lads they have already gone on there own as they know what they are worth
Most lads think cos they have a few certificates they are the best sparkles going but the reality is they have done the tests in a class room and when they get in the real world they haven’t got a clue and it’s been proved to me numerous times in the ladt 3 years
Apprentices you are just paying to baby sit them complete waste of time and money