I'm dealing with the above,at present. Out of the three statements,they fail on three of them.
If i have the patience,i will be ringing them again,tomorrow,on behalf of my parents.
Up to date,they have failed categorically,to deliver on three arranged meter fits,and there are two separate compensation payments due,and an alleged investigation...
I have turned round,several meter teams,including one visit,at 8am,with two vans...felt a bit strong-arm,and the lads were sound,but were sent packing.
They are in Offgen territory now,and will be also liable for the rebate,on the increased billing,due to not being able to apply the agreed tariff,on my parents two existing meters.
My two hours of conversation,available through FOI,would make a cracking comedy programme,with at no point,me getting rude,threatening or loud,but at one point in the last two calls,i tell the agent "please don't be offended,as i fully understand,you are merely an employee...but i am now going to go over things,as if i was speaking to my child,when he was 6. He is now 9,and understands the concept and responsibility,of a promise. Do you anticipate,that someone could listen to this conversation,and believe there are any areas,where doubt remains?...So that is yourself,replying "no" to that question,is that correct?...
....Imagine 40+ minutes of that...
I will be back,with latest "new" managers,promise