Have you started a new thread on the main forum? You’ll get a wide range of answers.
Ask away, this is my thread so I don’t mind it going sideways.
Add a few photos of your metering set up will help.
Got a Scottish Power Comfortplus setup white meter.
You know the deal Horstmann Series K Telemeter doing the storage heaters at night.
Hot water and ring mains on the Rate 1 and 2 Day Night
Locked into Scottish Power of couirse due to the tariff and meter!
So checked out the current pricing and we are paying more for white meter control rate than the night rate so decided its time for an E7
I believe that will release me from Scottish Powers hold and I can then switch to Bulb or the Co-Op who have cheaper tariffs
Due to the crazy problems I have had with SP - Wait for it...
The telemeter failed and although leccie was still getting through the digital display did not advance and wait for it....It took Scottish Power 4+ years to replace the meter and in that time i reckon i had about £10,000+ of free leccie
The meter failed again a few weeks ago after less than 2 years and wait for it....Scottish power had no replacement meters so they had to stick in some older meters but 3 of them instead of the one Horstmann Series K Telemeter
The upshot is i want rid of SP and this is the only way.
The problem is I have heard that some E7 meters can be installed but will not have the White meter storage heaters setup for a control clock as this is what will be required if it is to be timed for night heating. Not that I am bothered as i do it all manually anyway but have heard some horror stories so my question is:-
Are there different type of E7 meters with extra connections for the white meter heaters as well as the boiler hot water and of course ring main?
I need to know as the guys are coming to rip out the pony and trap they stuck in a few weeks ago and i want to be clued up before they arrive - always be prepared is my motto!
Thankfully Scottish Power are doing it for nothing becasue they l;eft us without leccie for 7 days until they got theior act together and arranged the replacement for the Horstmann - we are on the Special Needs Priority list as well and 7 days without leccie - for real!!!