If as you say this is linked to the Fire system then this would up the anti- about attempting this as it has a essential safety system latched into it - this is where I would say leave it alone, before I was interested to see if you could figure it but with the extra info supplied Im a little concerned that if you do get it working and you have an actual fire then the system may not operate correctly and may aid the spread off the fire or smoke with major consequences - If yourself your colleagues are unsure as to how the system should act in a fire condition then you need to get in a Fire safety team to asses what the system needs to do to give the best chance of an evacuation of all the workforce.
Thanks for the advice dark wood, I am only assumeing that it may be connected to the fire system I can not confirm nor deny it at this stage.
I have basically decided to go back to basics with it so to speak so I have killed everything and I am now starting to make my own drawing for the circuits as they are wired now.
I am hoping this will give me some idea as to what various parts are for and how they interact with each other.
I also found out a little more history on it today, Apparently it has not worked in atleast 5 years and nobody knows how, why or when so its a bit of a mystery tbh. Also the reason there are no drawings is apparently the company had a falling out with the contractors upon completion of the installation so they refused to hand them over.
Added to the fact the number system is all to cock and nothing is labelled leaves me down ta creek without a paddle!
Doing the cable tracing has brought a few things to light for me which seems rather wrong such as a speed control indicator lamp wired through one of the OL aux's that is apparently not part of the system :s
Also I found the feed to my timer from one of the breakers, But I noticed there are 2 wires in said breaker and the other wire also goes back to my timer! They both go through a series of relay contacts and other coils but 1 goes to A1 and 1 to A2 now that cant be right surely?
I can appreciate depending on what the relays etc are doing the supply could be switched from 1 side to the other but I have never seen a control circuit with 2 feeds to the same thing :s
I will continue to trace wires for the time being as long as my boss permits more for my own curiosty and self learning purposes than anything as I am becoming increasingly doubtfull this thing is going to work anytime soon in its current state