I am just finishing my 3rd year at college and would recommend getting Electrical Installations Level 2&3 published by Heinemann, well laid out and covers everything in the syllabus, although it does apply to the C&G 2330 which I believe is changing to something else next year!! I guess they will probably update it to the new course anyway. I found it cheap on Amazon.
Also, its worth getting 'The electricians guide to good electrical practice' which is the Amicus guide to the wiring regs (BS7671), it is much faster to find the info/tables you will need in the exams and lessons. You can get it at Technical Training Solutions - Electrical, mechanical and instrumentation engineering skills courses and its only £7 as opposed to about £50/60 for the full regs book. I have got through all 3 years with this and only just got the full regs book to sit my 2382 exam!
Also, its worth getting 'The electricians guide to good electrical practice' which is the Amicus guide to the wiring regs (BS7671), it is much faster to find the info/tables you will need in the exams and lessons. You can get it at Technical Training Solutions - Electrical, mechanical and instrumentation engineering skills courses and its only £7 as opposed to about £50/60 for the full regs book. I have got through all 3 years with this and only just got the full regs book to sit my 2382 exam!