Hi Stephen, have you solved the starter engagement?hi, tried a different battery, the starter is not pre engaged, it throws th cog into the flywheel at least it used to! the solenoid is a seperate unit when the ignition is turned on a voltage goes to it, the other half of the coil is grounded. you can hear the contactor working and a multimeter shows that it puts the voltage to the starter motor.
it is strange, i am fairly convinced that both starter motors have failed - but why is the puzzle?
cutting an acre of grass with a push mower is not great!
I Have exactly same issue and a similar field to mow...
Contactor clicks, starter fly's up but engine turns to slow to start. Battery vitals are fine.
Starter, checks out ok, & it fly's to engage.
I am going to try with the plug out to see if engine turns over faster with less resistance.
Next, I will change dc contactor to eliminate this as an issue.
Please let me know if you got to bottom of problem?