I've been investigating a strange RCD fault in my house this afternoon, there are only 3 circuits on the RCD, GF sockets, 1F sockets and Garage.
It's a Crabtree board installed around 2000
I've tested the RCD a few times at 0.5 and at X1 both test fine, traced the tripping to GF sockets, unplugged everything but still tripping, insulation resistance test is fine.
For some reason when I switch the RCD on and then a MCB the RCD trips again, I can do this numerous times and after a few attempts the RCD stays energised.
I managed to have the RCD stay on and the GF sockets and started plugging appliances back in, fridge trips it out instantly, left it unplugged and reset the RCD, it eventually stays on, bingo I thought, switched 1F sockets on and that tripped the RCD.
I can't imagine 2 faults developed at the same time on 2 circuits so I'm wondering if it's the RCD, anyone had a similar problem?
I've been investigating a strange RCD fault in my house this afternoon, there are only 3 circuits on the RCD, GF sockets, 1F sockets and Garage.
It's a Crabtree board installed around 2000
I've tested the RCD a few times at 0.5 and at X1 both test fine, traced the tripping to GF sockets, unplugged everything but still tripping, insulation resistance test is fine.
For some reason when I switch the RCD on and then a MCB the RCD trips again, I can do this numerous times and after a few attempts the RCD stays energised.
I managed to have the RCD stay on and the GF sockets and started plugging appliances back in, fridge trips it out instantly, left it unplugged and reset the RCD, it eventually stays on, bingo I thought, switched 1F sockets on and that tripped the RCD.
I can't imagine 2 faults developed at the same time on 2 circuits so I'm wondering if it's the RCD, anyone had a similar problem?