All taken on board and agreed with the caveat that on initial installation a drive has to be set up to the motor which involves changing parameters. And also the CT drives come supplied with a "smart card" (although i think it's only the more expensive unidrives that have them. They can be bought for commanders as an extra but they're still far cheaper than the siemens SD cards) This allows cloning of drives just the same as the siemens cards. I think the resetting is probably down to the drives not being set up correctly. I look after a factory in the north east and there is not a single PLC in the building, it is all done within the drives and every machine can talk to every other machine depending on what they are producing. I would guess there are upwards of 1000 unidrives in there and the only time they trip is when someone does something stupid.
I also agree that from a bombproof point of view, the SSD's are probably one of the best but the PC programming interface leaves a bit to be desired.
Anyway, back to the original question, my first reply was just that i reccomend them over what was asked about primarilly because i know them well and i find them very easy/reliable and versatile.
As stated though, each unto their own
I also agree that from a bombproof point of view, the SSD's are probably one of the best but the PC programming interface leaves a bit to be desired.
Anyway, back to the original question, my first reply was just that i reccomend them over what was asked about primarilly because i know them well and i find them very easy/reliable and versatile.
As stated though, each unto their own