Well if you know what it is then you would know that earthing and supplementary bonding is NOT the same!
i beleive its exactly that and i even quoted the regulation should someone wish to dispute my statement.
the fly lead is earthing / providing supplementory or aditional bonding to the armour - just in case i didn't bury it deep enough.
them terms are quite alright i've not made any blaring errors
sorry just red your post am i completely stupid i've been classing the fly lead as the link from the gland nut / banjo to the earth bar.
is the fly lead something different
if the bonding wasn't connected, then theres no connection to earth for the armour.
i'd say the armourd sheath is an extraneous conected part so needs to be connected back to the earth to allow the supply to be automaticaly disconnected by the circut protective devices should a fault occur.
would you not say that?