I am doing a bit of work at my parents house and want to install their new T.V for them. In order to minimize the clutter that normally comes under T.Vs, sky box, dvd player etc I want to locate these under the stairs, about 10 metres away. I have done jobs like this with my old firm when I was a trainee, but I was just getting all the cables in place and did not do any of the connecting up. So I was wondering if anyone else does this, which manufactures and systems do they use. Also what do people do about HDMI cables, because obviously over this range, the quality will diminsh a lot I would imagine. I remember one job I did and we used 2 CAT 5 cables through a device which enabled us to do this with a good result, does anybody know anything about this. If anyone can point me inthe right direction with a company or website that would be able to help me I would be most grateful, many thanks in advance