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View the thread, titled "Electricity DNO Supply installation outdated and UNSAFE?" which is posted in DIY Electrical Advice on Electricians Forums.

Hi folks,

Moving into my new property in a couple of weeks to find a concerning electrical installation in the cubby hole underneath ther stairs. I have attached a couple of pictures of the installation.

  1. Does this main feed from the DNO (#3) look safe (left hand picture)? It is corroded and appears unsafe. What to do?
  2. I am a bit confused with all the bits labelled up with numbers. Can anyone in the know comment?
The house was built over 100 years ago and any steer on what to do would be appreciated. The electrical supply components are in the living area (okay under the stairs and in a cubby hole) and appear as if they need relocating to the outside.

Many thanks!


Mains  Electrics feed.jpg
A lot to unpack here.
first the items numbered are as follows

1 main cut-out fuse
2 spare unused cut-out fuse
3 service head
4 spare unused cut-out fuse
5 a damaged cable joint (often called a henly block)
6 & 7 henly blocks

If it were my house, I would call the DNO and tell them that a connection on one of the cables between the service head and the meter is damaged and you can access the screws.
ask them to come and make it safe. (item 5)

then when the engineer comes to do the replacement of the damaged block, you can ask them there opinion on the service head itself.
James, Thanks for the reply. Really appreciate it...

(I did receive some feedback explainign the service head was a Three phase supply hence why x3 100W fuse blocks, is this possible?)

Not withstanding...I DO LIKE the idea of calling the DNO out regarding the damaged Henly Block... this brings about a wider question of why it got damaged in the first place....

The installation is underneath the stairs in a broom cupboard / Cubby hole, where I assume coats brooms and stuff have been stored...Note the installation of gas meter in the "middle" of the floorspace.


I wonder whether the question of the damaged Henly Block should be extended to a sfae place for an installation of this sort? I don't know whether I am stretching here. Ideal;ly I'd like the thing moved outside. Whether there is a case for this I do not know, the home owner is also an OAP so.... gawd knows what she would put inot this place.

<edit1> I am wanting to upgrade the electric in the property in the future too and I cannot see how the electrician would isolate the consumer unit from the supply? Would this also be useful in requesting from the DNO?

<edit2> Sorry about this constant editing but anothber question where does the home owners reswponsibility start and the DNO's ends?


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Moving them outside is likely to be expensive.
Think in the region of 10 to 20k

You may be able to upgrade to a 3 phase supply with little hassle but it would need confirmation from the dno.

The responsibility for the dno ends at the service fuse.
The meter operator takes over from there.
The home owner’s responsibility starts at the outgoing terminals of the meter.
Moving them outside is likely to be expensive.
Think in the region of 10 to 20k

You may be able to upgrade to a 3 phase supply with little hassle but it would need confirmation from the dno.

The responsibility for the dno ends at the service fuse.
The meter operator takes over from there.
The home owner’s responsibility starts at the outgoing terminals of the meter.
My understanding (hope) is that the dno will conduct works but will not charge vulnerable groups such as OAPS. Is this an approach that might bear fruit?
I think I have a plan of approach......

Installation at move in.jpg
1. Call the DNO and request them to attend item #5 "broken Henly block and it's exposed elements".
2. Whilst the engineer is in attendance ask him about the serviceability of the "Service Head" #3 with a view to making/moving it safe, ideally in the wall on the otherside which is outside. Follow up on this point.
3. Talk to the MO and discuss the installation and safety concerns surrounding Henly Block 7 (and it's bodged blue tape) which appears to be far from best practice. In the process of applying best practice request the MO replace #7 with a suitable 100A isolation switch to enable the customer to change the consumer boxes if they so wish.

This sounds like a plan of approach.
Is it time to put camo cream on, DPMs, grab my walkie talkies, check batteries and lepoard crawl to the Insertion point?

Any comments?>
Hello folks. I thought I would offer some feedback on what happened after the event... if you recall I was acting on behalf of an elderley person on the priority services register.

1. The gas relocation: As simple as calling Cadence. An engineer popped over in 2 days, looked it over and accepted that there were access issues. Primarily an OAP wth mobility issues could not crawl into the cubby space and isolate the gas. Thereafter the job was scheduled for the following week or two. They came and carried out the job as you can see. Great people and nice with it. Cadence did try and initially levy a charge on the works until I reminded the very nice lady at Cadence the customer was priority services and was expemt charges. They didnt argue. Total job done Free of charge.
Gas and Elec.jpg

Electricity Relocation was a slightly different story with pantomine villians involved.

I wasnt sure who to call to initiate the works. DNO or MO? I started with the MO, Scottish Power. They said they would relocate the meter providing the DNO were okay to move the supply... I should talk to Electricity NW Ltd.

Electricity North West were excellent. They immediately sent a tech out (James thanks et al for this), the distribution head was outdated and required replacing and given the other safety issues it needed sorting out ASAP.

They wanted to start the job the following week (iirc). A couple of engineers came around, ummed and ahhed and said they didnt have the right bits and could be back tomorrow BUT I would need my own spark to drill thru the wall & reconnect the meter to the Consumer Box. I explained Scottish Power had told me they would relocate the meter and suggest they coordinate with Scottish Power.

This is where it started going messy...

Elec NW explained to me they dont have any contacts for the MOs/Scottish Power and just "Do not talk to the MOs". Erm.... "So how do you coordinate works like this then?" They explained that they, the DNO move and recommsiion the MOs meter but do not drill through the wall and connect the meter to the consumer unit. This was the customer's responsibility and I need to organise my own electrican.

I called and Emailed Scottish Power. This was the start of communication blackout from them. Despite SAFTY ISSUE URGET Emails to their cust compaint joy. They said they were goign to do this work with their own electrican.... yeah. Right they were!

I spent an AGE trying to find my own spark that was available at short notice and eventually found one that was keen to discuss the ins an outs of electrical regulations and how MOs and DNOs were this, and they were that, and they would do this, and would do that, and I needed to make sure they were doing this, and doing that. He's seen it all before and they are all bastards. And the charge would be £120.

(Did I mention he was a short notice spark?)

Work started.

Around Lunchtime Elec NW asked me if my spark was going to do something or other (I cant recall). I suggested they call him.
They did. He had a ----y fit on the end of the phone, said he didnt need the money, had told me that they would do this and cancelled the job.

Work Stopped.

I suggested they finish off the job, leave the little old lady with mobilty issues without power in November and I'd try and find a electrician though Scottish Power directly again, now one of their priority customers was without power it may prompt them to do what they said they would do in the first instance.

Short Story, a guy, who knew a guy who knew a spark cam over and connected the little old lady with mobilty issues.

It cost £100. and that spark was a wonderful lad and changed the facia plate off a plug socket for free whilst he was there!

A few days later the guy I had been dealing with from Scottish Power called. He instantly refunded the £100. explained it was what it was and I didnt have time to rant at the ------- either! Ah well...

The total job was done for free, relocated outside. Just like the gas.

The little old lady Rage quit Scottish Power after this experience.
Scottish Power gave a final balance and cheque to her exlcuding the£100 cash back and another credit relating to it that amounted to £50.

A quick call to customer services with a story for the Ombudsman and the money was refunded ASAP.

In summary.
Thank you all for the steerage....
It may have cost the old lady nothing... but these companies did try and charge her (ELec NW excepted) until pestered to do follow the rules surrounding priority register users.
MOs collectively arent worth a fart. What a waste of f*%&$^g time and breath
Cadence and Elec NW, the people and work was excellent.

I would not know how a priority service user (without help) could have gotten this lot over the line?


Than you for your steers and comments welcome.
My only comment on this relates to the electricity side of things.
Nothing surprises me in the slightest about this tale, especially the total lack of coordination, the attempt to extract money, and the decision to leave Scottish Power.
Hello folks. I thought I would offer some feedback on what happened after the event... if you recall I was acting on behalf of an elderley person on the priority services register.

1. The gas relocation: As simple as calling Cadence. An engineer popped over in 2 days, looked it over and accepted that there were access issues. Primarily an OAP wth mobility issues could not crawl into the cubby space and isolate the gas. Thereafter the job was scheduled for the following week or two. They came and carried out the job as you can see. Great people and nice with it. Cadence did try and initially levy a charge on the works until I reminded the very nice lady at Cadence the customer was priority services and was expemt charges. They didnt argue. Total job done Free of charge.
View attachment 119379

Electricity Relocation was a slightly different story with pantomine villians involved.

I wasnt sure who to call to initiate the works. DNO or MO? I started with the MO, Scottish Power. They said they would relocate the meter providing the DNO were okay to move the supply... I should talk to Electricity NW Ltd.

Electricity North West were excellent. They immediately sent a tech out (James thanks et al for this), the distribution head was outdated and required replacing and given the other safety issues it needed sorting out ASAP.

They wanted to start the job the following week (iirc). A couple of engineers came around, ummed and ahhed and said they didnt have the right bits and could be back tomorrow BUT I would need my own spark to drill thru the wall & reconnect the meter to the Consumer Box. I explained Scottish Power had told me they would relocate the meter and suggest they coordinate with Scottish Power.

This is where it started going messy...

Elec NW explained to me they dont have any contacts for the MOs/Scottish Power and just "Do not talk to the MOs". Erm.... "So how do you coordinate works like this then?" They explained that they, the DNO move and recommsiion the MOs meter but do not drill through the wall and connect the meter to the consumer unit. This was the customer's responsibility and I need to organise my own electrican.

I called and Emailed Scottish Power. This was the start of communication blackout from them. Despite SAFTY ISSUE URGET Emails to their cust compaint joy. They said they were goign to do this work with their own electrican.... yeah. Right they were!

I spent an AGE trying to find my own spark that was available at short notice and eventually found one that was keen to discuss the ins an outs of electrical regulations and how MOs and DNOs were this, and they were that, and they would do this, and would do that, and I needed to make sure they were doing this, and doing that. He's seen it all before and they are all bastards. And the charge would be £120.

(Did I mention he was a short notice spark?)

Work started.

Around Lunchtime Elec NW asked me if my spark was going to do something or other (I cant recall). I suggested they call him.
They did. He had a ----y fit on the end of the phone, said he didnt need the money, had told me that they would do this and cancelled the job.

Work Stopped.

I suggested they finish off the job, leave the little old lady with mobilty issues without power in November and I'd try and find a electrician though Scottish Power directly again, now one of their priority customers was without power it may prompt them to do what they said they would do in the first instance.

Short Story, a guy, who knew a guy who knew a spark cam over and connected the little old lady with mobilty issues.

It cost £100. and that spark was a wonderful lad and changed the facia plate off a plug socket for free whilst he was there!

A few days later the guy I had been dealing with from Scottish Power called. He instantly refunded the £100. explained it was what it was and I didnt have time to rant at the ------- either! Ah well...

The total job was done for free, relocated outside. Just like the gas.

The little old lady Rage quit Scottish Power after this experience.
Scottish Power gave a final balance and cheque to her exlcuding the£100 cash back and another credit relating to it that amounted to £50.

A quick call to customer services with a story for the Ombudsman and the money was refunded ASAP.

In summary.
Thank you all for the steerage....
It may have cost the old lady nothing... but these companies did try and charge her (ELec NW excepted) until pestered to do follow the rules surrounding priority register users.
MOs collectively arent worth a fart. What a waste of f*%&$^g time and breath
Cadence and Elec NW, the people and work was excellent.

I would not know how a priority service user (without help) could have gotten this lot over the line?


Than you for your steers and comments welcome.
Thank you for the very detailed feedback about what happened after the event.

Many of us, on this site, are practicing electricians that although we need to make money from our knowledge and experience
are happy to give out advice in our free time with no expectation of payment.

It is really appreciated when someone comes back with such a detailed post about what has been done and how it was achieved as it is not unusual for a whole load of good advice to be given and then followed by silence.

the feedback also helps us to tailor our advice to others, based on what service / obstacles you have received from the companies involved.

Unfortunately, as you have mentioned, it is a real struggle for someone outside the trades to be able to navigate the companies involved in such a project and I think you have done a fantastic job of getting it all organised at such a small cost.

If you think our advice has saved you a large amount of time/money then perhaps you might consider donating 10% of the savings to a charity such as this one.

I think the above charity is worthy and applicable to the issues you have faced.

remember that charity is just that and it is not required or expected.
my other favourites are
the air ambulance
the lifeboats

So glad you have got it sorted and it looks like a really good job.
Thank you for the very detailed feedback about what happened after the event.

Many of us, on this site, are practicing electricians that although we need to make money from our knowledge and experience
are happy to give out advice in our free time with no expectation of payment.

It is really appreciated when someone comes back with such a detailed post about what has been done and how it was achieved as it is not unusual for a whole load of good advice to be given and then followed by silence.

the feedback also helps us to tailor our advice to others, based on what service / obstacles you have received from the companies involved.

Unfortunately, as you have mentioned, it is a real struggle for someone outside the trades to be able to navigate the companies involved in such a project and I think you have done a fantastic job of getting it all organised at such a small cost.

If you think our advice has saved you a large amount of time/money then perhaps you might consider donating 10% of the savings to a charity such as this one.

I think the above charity is worthy and applicable to the issues you have faced.

remember that charity is just that and it is not required or expected.
my other favourites are
the air ambulance
the lifeboats

So glad you have got it sorted and it looks like a really good job.
If you think our advice has saved you a large amount of time/money then perhaps you might consider donating 10% of the savings to a charity such as this one.

They key point: (providing great distances arent involved) meters and supply can be moved outside for people on The Priority Services Register Free of Charge providing you fight for it.

Reply to the thread, titled "Electricity DNO Supply installation outdated and UNSAFE?" which is posted in DIY Electrical Advice on Electricians Forums.

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