I am so confused! Anyone care to summarise, I have read the whole thread and I have a few questions...
Whats the electricians handbook?
Why wouldn't you put a 30p fuse on the boiler?
Was the faulty boiler why she wasn't paying you or was she not paying you for the Certs?
Surely you have a good hard copy of your quote so if she refused to pay you, you would have a argument in court?
What is an inspection camera? Sounds like I'm missing out on some reveloutionary technology here :-/

She didnt want pay because some1 told her all kitchen is gonna burn because of me so she took some other electrician for testing. The other electrician told her I am not allowed to charge her for testing and cert on my installation which I included in quote. Few days later we had a meeting and she said testings are fine, everything is ok, but boiler got broken and she was told its because of me as I put 13amp fuse in it... So yes, I was responsible for not ensuring its safety but it could brake with 3amp anyways + I didnt cause its faulty. So she payd me yesterday and everything is fine now.
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