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Can anyone help me out with ENS-1-TMA please? Completed questions 1 & 2, wanting to check answers as it seemed a bit easy & am worried I might have gone wrong. Question 3 on columns however might be a different story!
Well lads, thought I would check in! done my telephone interview before Christmas for AME and got a distinction over all for the module which I am chuffed to pieces with! :D

Starting EEP Electrical and Electronic Principles now which is supposed to be the worst of the core modules! But once its out of the way it will be plain(er) sailing :D
I'm on choice modules now and its better, i'm more interested and motivated and if i'm honest so far they have been easier than the core modules. The final project looks like it may be at bid odd to do.
Distributed control systems, programmable logic controllers and i'm not sure what my last one will be yet. I have already done digital and analogue circuits, so was credited this module by tees for that.
I will be ordering PLC's in the next week or so, as i have hopefully just about finished my DCS TMA's. So if you have any questions just ask.
New to this forum, have completed ENS & AME, now started first TMA of EEP, Ouch! Also have just received PLC module, looking forward to that one as spent 15 years on PLC programming! Hopefully be easier than the core modules.
Hey Guys,

New to the forum, I've just this evening submitted my last TMA on the Maths bridging course I enrolled last Feb, just done the whole course in the last two weeks, feeling motivated now and can't wait to get into something more interesting, though it sounds like the first two modules do their best to break your morale!

Is anyone else just starting out or is everyone well into it, I did read the whole thread but you never know who is lurking in the background!

Anyway just wanted to say Hi!

I've just started PLC's, I too have experience with them and so far it's pretty easy going, just hope i don't have to eat my words:)
Afternoon guys,

Just started this course as a complete novice, and having to go through the headache-inducing bridging mathematics at the moment :(

After reading through this thread and seeing how well everyone has got on with the assignments so far I have to ask what your work scheduals are like.
Do you have set days of the week you study, or just a little every night?
Do you regularly complete a lesson in one sitting - or more or less?

And do you read through the questions at the end before you beigin to have them in mind while reading the lessons, or just study every lesson in the section and have a go at the exams when you finish?

Sorry for the questions but I currently work on the course 3 times a week and have found my progress very slow, and answering the exam questions is difficult when the information isn't as fresh as it could be

Cheers in advance,

Hi Guys Im new to this forum glad to see this group I thought I was all alone. I'm doing my ES boy is it hard but getting through it. I need some help can anyone PM me
Hi Lee, having to do the foundation mathematics for engineers module.
Im finding my progress slow, and wanted some advice from others, if you could help


Sorry no chance, I'm behind you. I've just passed my Design and Verification so looking at the next step.

Good luck with it mate.

definitely do the questions as you go, i did ENS by learning it all and then doing the tma's, big mistake, i had to re-learn stuff i had already got my head round once. I always do the questions as i'm working through now.

definitely do the questions as you go, i did ENS by learning it all and then doing the tma's, big mistake, i had to re-learn stuff i had already got my head round once. I always do the questions as i'm working through now.

Thanks for the advice mate, I appreciate it. I've started trying to push on with work everyday now and making good progress.

Wondering about getting a call from the tutor, does this happen once all TMAs for the module have been submitted? If so, have you found it difficult to remember all the details of lessons after the fact?
After the last TMA, in the comments section he asks you to contact him to book a phone call. The conversation is about your results and anything you got wrong or worked out differently, as long as you have your TMA's in front of you, you should be fine, it's just to confirm that it was you who did the work.
I just recently finished my HNC and found that although the course material was excellent, i required a handful of books to help me through. I would definitely recommend requesting the TMA and attempting som eof the questions as you go through the material because as someone mentioned earlier if you start the TMA after reaidng all the lessons you have to relearn a lot of it, especially if you are learning on an infrequent basis. I was lucky enough to be given time by my employer on nightshifts to study at my desk and also had a very understanding wife who let me study for long periods on my days off. It is very challenging in parts but dont be afraid to either travel to see a tutor or speak to them frequently on the phone, they are very helpful and i wish i had used them more at the start as i struggled in places because i didnt want to appear to the tutors as struggling.
Thanks J_SPARK for the advise, I must admit it never occured to me to get in touch with the tutor in times of need.
Congratulations on finishing the HNC, will you continue on to the HND? The thought of selecting my own optional modules is a a good motivator for me, were the optional modules just as heavy as the core ones?
Some of the optional ones were tough and others a but easier when not mathematically heavy. For instance i chose to study Pneumatic and hydraulic applications which was primarily learning the relevant schematics, diagrams and symbols then designing your own systems. This module did involve math but it was straight forward and not as challenging as some of the other modules. The Electrical machines module was very interesting but i found it heavy going withrtelation to motors as there was a lot of information to take in and i found motor theory easy at first but quite tough once you went a little bit further. All in all i found the optional modules shorter but still challenging and time consuming, the whole course requires a lot of time. I am considering the HND but not till next year, the prices have rocketed and i feel like i need a short break because i studied very intensely last year for the whole year. Good luck and my main tip would be talk to the tutors about each optional module befoe you decide because they had some extra information regarding content which helped me choose when i couldnt decide.

- - - Updated - - -

Please excuse the grammar in previous post i dont get long on internet and had to blitz the last post.
Sorry for not reading all the posts, there's rather a lot, but if anyone has any help towards my question please advise..

In September of this year I started doing an electrical/electronic hnc at Central sussex college, to sum it up, abysmal. Teaching was very poor, the only one they had that was decent left to go to Bristol. Which, after finding out that last year they made some hefty cuts it wasn't surprising he left. Please, if you're thinking of it and paying for it yourself, stay away from this institute.. On a plus side to the college, I done my apprenticeship there and it was good.

So moving on to my question, after starting this hnc and getting a feel for it, it seemed heavily distanced between extreme electronics or extreme electrical power distribution, huge transformers and generators etc. as an electrician, there wasn't much in the middle, in terms of installation etc.. Where from the start I was missed guided by the above college/tutors.

I then enquired about building services engineering at Croydon college. This course seemed ideal as it spurred off from the hvac side of building services and focused fully on electrical installations and even better was starting in February so didn't have to wait until September 2014 ! Although my celebrations were premature, I applied for the course and was accepted, only to find out a week later, they cancelled the course. Great ! For anyone's information, if you're interested in this course with them, they've said they don't know when or if they will be doing this course again.. Although it's still fully advertised in doing so.. Nice one !

So penultimately, does anyone know of, as I cannot find a college anywhere near, that teaches this course (building services engineering, electrical) anywhere in the south !?!? There's loads up north ! But nothing in the south.. Although London has a few, why is there so many electrical engineering courses, but only a few building services ?

If you know of anywhere that does, please post, or if you know of anywhere that offers this course via distance learning. Again please post.

Lastly, if you are an electrician and thinking of doing an electrician/electronic engineering course, please look at the building services before hand. Myself and approx 8 others started doing EE and it definitely wasn't what we expected. Just from experience.

Cheers guys !
Following on, if your experiences of electrical engineering at Teesside or anywhere else have been different to how I have described, please share as I may reconsider with a different more equipped institution.

Afternoon guys, slowly battling my way through the HNC course. Was awarded ENS and digital and analytical before i started. Just passed the AME with a merit, what a brain melter that was!

Just started the EEP today. If anyone if after some help with the AME drop me a PM. Tips/help on the EEP would be appreciated.

Looking forward to starting the choice modules which are going to be PLC, electrical services and electrical systems protection. If anyones got any insight into them then let me know

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