Firm i use to work for Had the apprentice out with me and this day I HAD to be somewhere which meant I couldnt drop him home so nearest train station on my road home He did a "letter" to the boss listing all sorts of keech such as me slagging off his hair cut to the way irefered to a female member of staff as "the ----" yes he got me into bother NOT for anything in his letter but for taking him home at all as it was up to him to make his own way to work Re the ---- she knew thats how I refered to her as when she phoned me id answer with "What can I do for my ---- today?"
The said apprenctice and I were split up but as we still worked for same squad our paths crossed now n then I tried to "Shake on it " but he was a huffy bam n never came to the apprentices leaving night as he fell out with everyone else
Banter is common place and is IMO a requirement of the job its knowing and defining "banter" from "Abuse" bescomes difficult
Id go back Head down Arse up n get on with work unless you have a need to talk to this guy just talk to his superior
The said apprenctice and I were split up but as we still worked for same squad our paths crossed now n then I tried to "Shake on it " but he was a huffy bam n never came to the apprentices leaving night as he fell out with everyone else
Banter is common place and is IMO a requirement of the job its knowing and defining "banter" from "Abuse" bescomes difficult
Id go back Head down Arse up n get on with work unless you have a need to talk to this guy just talk to his superior