Hi all, my uncle is having an extension built so im doing the wiring for that and also re wiring the rest of the house. Can anyone issue me a cert for the building regs people. I live in east kent. Ta in advance.
It's basically about money, nothing to do with being competent in this case!! Why should a qualified electrician be put in this position when wanting to wire his own house if it's not about money!!!
Well they are wanting to ensure that those applying for part p meet new criteria....holding a recognised level 3 qual such as 2330 level 3. Now then, how much of this is about the poor standards of install by some 6 week wonders and how much is about cash we will see....i suspect its a bit of both and i also think that given the amount of counterfeit goods about now (in particular MCBs and RCDs).....then isn`t this also a good way of ensuring that those being allowed onto these schemes will have had it drilled into them at college that we should ALWAYS perform inspection and testing when installing as i suspect a lot of fast track "installers" arn`t doing properly at the mo`. This will pick up any counterfeit goods that dont comply before signoff..........Hi eeezie
I gave up on part p reg last year in theory its a good idea but no customer knows or really cares about it i am just picking up minor and non notifiable work at mo but i am getting notifiables all the time so i just pass the work on less hassel for me not sure what ia am going to do going forward hopefuly they will just make it so qualified people can do part p and do away with this very poor pat p scheme
The cash issue wont change as its an easy earner and lets face it......cash for doing nowt is one of the "grails" of the age were in...isn`t it........Its all about dosh, nothing to do with skill or ability or competent...plain and simple jobs for the boys and protection money.
A spark can wire a school/swimming pool/changing room etc, but not his mothers shower?
Because im a competant electrician and it will be a dam sight cheaper for me to do it. If i cant get a local spark to sign it off i will just have to get the council to do it.
Fair do's, your OP didn't suggest any competance. No doubt your Uncle will passs you some notes for dong the job. Yes you'll be cheaper than a spark but most of us have business overheads to cover and then pay tax and NI.
Unfortunately people think what we charge per hour, is what we earn, but very sadly that's our gross income before all the overheads of insurance, scheme membership, vehicle, vehicle running costs, tools, tax and NI!
And i bet its a short form n all....well they wont want you having second thoughts about parting with 190 quid whilst jotting down will they...lol.........Spoke to LABC today, if i fill out a form and give them £190 they will arrange a sparks to check the first fix, then test and inspect.
Well eng i would say Quango`s ...or something like that as they seem secretive and not really answerable to anyone really as regards how they syphon cash out of the public...........Just who are these people at the LABC, that think they can totally ignore the qualifications, and experience of fully qualified electricians?? I can fully understand when Joe Public has notified and wants them to certify his installation, but that's not the same as a fully competent, fully qualified electrician ...is it!!!!
As a matter of interest, how much does it actually cost any of the scam providers to notify etc?? Because that should be the cost to a LABC registered electrician. Meaning one that has provided his certified electrical qualifications and other forms of qualification (JIB Gold card etc) to the LABC for verification of competency.
This really does need sorting out!! And how costs can be triple to quadruple from one LABC to another is just a pure nonsense, and smacks of a money making scam... You lot should really be getting to grips with all this crap, and put a stop to it. Your certified qualifications are just being totally ignored and undermined in the quest for money!!!
Well ....One of my lecturers (who lives in a south yorkshire town would just happen to pay just over a quarter i would have to pay for notifying my local LABC.....its just not consistant........Just who are these people at the LABC, that think they can totally ignore the qualifications, and experience of fully qualified electricians?? I can fully understand when Joe Public has notified and wants them to certify his installation, but that's not the same as a fully competent, fully qualified electrician ...is it!!!!
As a matter of interest, how much does it actually cost any of the scam providers to notify etc?? Because that should be the cost to a LABC registered electrician. Meaning one that has provided his certified electrical qualifications and other forms of qualification (JIB Gold card etc) to the LABC for verification of competency.
This really does need sorting out!! And how costs can be triple to quadruple from one LABC to another is just a pure nonsense, and smacks of a money making scam... You lot should really be getting to grips with all this crap, and put a stop to it. Your certified qualifications are just being totally ignored and undermined in the quest for money!!!
Reply to the thread, titled "Test and inspect" which is posted in Australia on Electricians Forums.