Graeme Harrold
Hi Graeme
I have got some caravan pitches with corroded armour as well but no room for joints I was thinking of just using external earth clamps on the good part of the armour and feeding earth wire into box. What have you used ?
As for originaly query PIRs on statics cover the caravan upto and including the 16A plug. From there onwards should be covered by the PIR for the site. Caravans usually only have RCD and 2 mcbs sockets and lights. The problems come in testing the RCD as the hook up RCD may trip first so has to be by passed.
Ideally you would test through an isolating transformer to remove the up-stream RCD from the equation. As long as one trips in the prescribed time and then get them on RCD discrimination in the report!!
Yes the PIR will only cover the caravan to the end of the 16A plug which is why you shouldnt get too hung up on Ze and Zs values as these things do have a habit of moving round sites.