Hi all,
Just a quick one, I've been asked to price a EICR / PIR on some shared offices, its just the landlords testing so the general test to each "sub owned DB" plus the landlords communal lighting and small power.
I've been told I can't power down to one unit as the company has Servers and It gear. I know I can let this off with a limitation but can I put a Limitation on the Ze test for the building?
I don't think there will be any faults and all the sub boards and mains were upgraded 5 years ago
Just a quick one, I've been asked to price a EICR / PIR on some shared offices, its just the landlords testing so the general test to each "sub owned DB" plus the landlords communal lighting and small power.
I've been told I can't power down to one unit as the company has Servers and It gear. I know I can let this off with a limitation but can I put a Limitation on the Ze test for the building?
I don't think there will be any faults and all the sub boards and mains were upgraded 5 years ago