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Nov 26, 2018
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Do you like being lied to ? Taken for an idiot ? Here I make the case for it being done on a world wide scale to the extreme detriment of your children and grandchildren.
You may not be aware of it but you live in an electric universe however only part of the complex theory is ever taught alas most of the rest is corrupted ,suppressed, and represented as impossible particularly I suggest the second law of thermodynamics.
Alas most electricians along with other trades are far to busy making ends meet to spend the research time to unearth the real facts. The reality is well hidden and the agenda scary . Carbon foot print. Global warming – It is quite frankly a Global hoax I ask you to understand that if there is but one pure clean reliable energy source which can be used time and time again which isn't being used then the hoax is exploded.
That the system be capable of Mega watt production and have been used in the past is also to my mind important. The system I have in mind has been heavily suppressed the literature and technical information – expunged, however in this case the evidence is overwhelming and working examples still exist.
Quite apart from being an electrician (and I promise I'll start explaining electromagnetic systems in a short while) you are all over and above that, engineers and so for a short while I ask you to put on your engineering hat as we regard a powerful free clean energy system with no moving parts that has been in use for thousands of years and is now alas heavily suppressed.
Entrainment an odd word but in the plumbing world it refers to air trapped in water .
What you have heard called “ water hammer” is indeed caused by this very phenomenon and that too can be used to huge advantage as you'll soon see.
The input to this ancient machine is called “ a trompe” and its purpose is simply that – to introduce air to fast flowing water .
Because this information is suppressed it has been altered or removed from censorship tube and so I respectfully invite you to down load this original lecture given by Bill Mollison from my Amazon cloud channel as you might expect being a personal channel it will show as unsafe to down load -- quite safe I promise ! anyway you know who I am and where I am
b.t.w when Bill tells you “ the water isn't used” what he really means is the head of water isn't used ergo the system can be used again and again and again on one river / stream.
Want a multi mega watt free running – no moving parts clean power system that actually oxygenates and purifies the water system – Its been there all along for thousands of years!
Here's one of these systems built in the late 1800s that powered three large mines, the towns and all heavy machinery and local transport and trains – ergo the system works and is well proven
So now I hope you can quite clearly see that Global warming ,carbon foot print , and all the rest of the associated Bollix – is just that . There is suppressed viable clean alternatives not being used.
Recall I mentioned earlier water hammer can also be used to huge energy advantage ? From a program produced and aired by a fledgling channel 4 many years ago now, a program which surprisingly managed to avoid suppression comes a clip which demonstrates an OU water hammer heater.
As water heating accounts for some 80% plus of domestic energy consumption this should be very significant the portion I invite you to watch is from 2min30sec – 12 min
This energy deception, is murky and deep , it involves corruption of electrical theory, corruption of teaching in general , total ambush of the worlds medical systems , --- to be continued (if its of interest to you) please indicate yea or nay

Kind regards Duncan
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You remind me of the likes of Joseph Newman. Who, presumably like yourself, will still be paying for his electricity despite 'inventing free electricity' decades ago.

PS, 'nay'
You remind me of the likes of Joseph Newman. Who, presumably like yourself, will still be paying for his electricity despite 'inventing free electricity' decades ago.

PS, 'nay'
You remind me of the likes of Joseph Newman. Who, presumably like yourself, will still be paying for his electricity despite 'inventing free electricity' decades ago.

PS, 'nay'

Take it anyway you want. - some I pay for , some I don't . Its a society problem – not mine!!
If the 97 year old OAP s next door must pay full tariff then so shall I. and so should you
I think the question you really ask is – could I run off grid if I wished ? Yes of course. The example I draw for you is undeniable – so please don't try to make a proven science that's tried and tested personal to me – Its there , it works , its suppressed the example is given – Its as simple as that. Not hard to understand is it? Your being told bollix and it seems are happy to believe it
Adolf Hitler: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed”
Kind regards Duncan
Take it anyway you want. - some I pay for , some I don't . Its a society problem – not mine!!
If the 97 year old OAP s next door must pay full tariff then so shall I. and so should you
I think the question you really ask is – could I run off grid if I wished ? Yes of course. The example I draw for you is undeniable – so please don't try to make a proven science that's tried and tested personal to me – Its there , it works , its suppressed the example is given – Its as simple as that. Not hard to understand is it? Your being told bollix and it seems are happy to believe it
Adolf Hitler: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed”
Kind regards Duncan

There you go then, make your 'Trompe', produce free electricity, and give the money you make to needy people. Explain to me (without waffle and evangelism) why you wouldn't be doing this.
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Take it anyway you want. - some I pay for , some I don't . Its a society problem – not mine!!
If the 97 year old OAP s next door must pay full tariff then so shall I. and so should you
I think the question you really ask is – could I run off grid if I wished ? Yes of course. The example I draw for you is undeniable – so please don't try to make a proven science that's tried and tested personal to me – Its there , it works , its suppressed the example is given – Its as simple as that. Not hard to understand is it? Your being told bollix and it seems are happy to believe it
Adolf Hitler: “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed”
Kind regards Duncan
So are you paying for your electricity? Or have you got this magical machine?
Ah but he will only be making electric if he lives by a waterfall or has dug a huge hole to put his troupe in!
Don't get me wrong here, the companies that are set to make billions from selling us (insert as appropriate)
Have all suppressed ideas down the line that would make those billions less, history shows us this. And this also goes for the shareholders and investors in these companies, who are our politicians and upper class citizens and would loose out financially!

But you can't get owt for nowt! Even the troupe needs investment and why would you use something like that when better more efficient technology exists? Yes back when the idea was being used in mining it was probably the best thing around! Now I understand it's more of a tourist attraction!
For a home project if I had my own waterfall I would love to have a tinker at making one!
Mainly so I could prove what I already strongly suspect. That there is good reason why there are not millions of them out there already!
The input to this ancient machine is called “ a trompe” and its purpose is simply that – to introduce air to fast flowing water .
Because this information is suppressed it has been altered or removed from censorship tube and so I respectfully invite you to down load this original lecture given by Bill Mollison
The information has not been suppressed, the lecture is freely available on youtube. Since your last posting about the trompe some months ago I looked into it and discovered that this useful old tech is being used right now in a few places around the world to oxidise polluted water; from the mining industry's especially. I do suppose the Trompe's compressed air could somehow be used to generate hydrogen >>>> and so on.

Anyone here in Glasgow wanna spill the beans about this to Greta; Im sure it would get her into a state of climactic bliss ?
The information has not been suppressed, the lecture is freely available on youtube. Since your last posting about the trompe some months ago I looked into it and discovered that this useful old tech is being used right now in a few places around the world to oxidise polluted water; from the mining industry's especially. I do suppose the Trompe's compressed air could somehow be used to generate hydrogen >>>> and so on.

Anyone here in Glasgow wanna spill the beans about this to Greta; Im sure it would get her into a state of climactic bliss ?

But it suits this sort of person's agenda to claim things that aren't true. Seen it many times before. They also have a tendency to repeat things ad infinitum rather than answer specific questions.
You sound like one of those 'freeloaders on the land'.

The problem is the salient points you make are drowned out by the total hoop you also come out with.

Sprinkle in a bit of 'you're all ignoramuses who don't know and aren't as aware as me and my kind' and it's no wonder nobody listens to you.

I bet you think the earth is flat.
I'm in Glasgow, but I haven't met Greta have no beans to spill, sorry.
I can say that the number of whatsapp images of Greta are huge, but while sometimes amusing, are not helpful, but that's what we do, isn't it? We make fun of a serious situation, for a laugh.
TBF, Sir David Attenborough's speech was well conceived and well received, but IMHO he is a legend...and it seems that view is held across the globe.
It IS possible to reduce our carbon footprint, and I have been moderately successful in my domestic setup, but we ALL need to do it, every contribution however small is just that-a contribution. Make it if you can, please.
man's contribuition to global warming is a drop in the ocean. 1 volcano erupting causes more damage than the las 100 years of man's technological contributions. and that's before we get to cows farting methane.
Well.his groundbaiting worked,a treat ?

I've got an incredible invention,which,with very little energy input,by means of your finger tips,allows a vast amount of seemingly free nonsense,to issue forth.

I'm gonna see what happens when i press this button,6 times ??????
Well.his groundbaiting worked,a treat ?

I've got an incredible invention,which,with very little energy input,by means of your finger tips,allows a vast amount of seemingly free nonsense,to issue forth.

I'm gonna see what happens when i press this button,6 times ??????
what is amazing here is that this post must be from a spark. a wet-pants or a builder would not be able to count above 5 (fingers).
If - and a big if - you have watched the posted video's you will have seen working examples - Ragged chutes - for instance. Its a major construction effort costing millions, far beyond my personal worth. however it is very clearly a free running very clean, a very powerful system used many times in the past and certainly cheaper than conventional power stations -- DPG , kindly study and stay on subject instead of trying to turn the study of a well tried and tested free running clean heavy power system system to something personal to me ie I build, I sell /give away energy -- Global warming seems to be issue of the moment - Clean energy being the ambition or so we are told -- here I present a well tried and tested system and all thats really required is one reliable heavy power clean system that can be used over and over again - why then isn't it still being used? watch the video's you'll quickly learn who supresed the technology and why !!!

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