O k i will start. Got some remedials afer a PIR and the tonight during nightshift i have to put in 1200 20mm Blind Grommits into sockets. Who else has had mind numbing jobs?
That hurt just reading it fella!!! When did they release you from the looney bin? I'd have ended up as a window licking dribbling spastic half way though that lot. LOL. I'll tell you what fella, you're an immortal now amongst us mere mortals. Did you do it all on your own or bring in help? Also if you done that on your lonesome; then how long did it take you? I bet your missus hated you whilst you were on that job....
After 4999 i still couldnt tell you what day it was ,PC's monitors,IEC leads , kettle jar of coffee didnt stop talking to myself for a month after
After 4999 i still couldnt tell you what day it was ,PC's monitors,IEC leads , kettle jar of coffee didnt stop talking to myself for a month after, all on my tod first job when i started on my own lol ,wife thought i was having an affair with a girl called pat , it took 4 weeks 7 hours a day , at least they were all in the same big room still have night mares but the therapy helps
1200 - jesus - how big is this place?
After 4999 i still couldnt tell you what day it was ,PC's monitors,IEC leads , kettle jar of coffee didnt stop talking to myself for a month after, all on my tod first job when i started on my own lol ,wife thought i was having an affair with a girl called pat , it took 4 weeks 7 hours a day , at least they were all in the same big room still have night mares but the therapy helps
horrible job. rather fit grommets!PAT Testing - Mind numbing especially in offices crawling round unplugging god knows what from inaccessible sockets - Hate it !
i had the hammer and rawlplug tool job once. after i'd broke 3 they gave me something better to do. stripping scrap SWA for 2 days. had the last laugh though, pinched all the copper.Making running nipples at the stores as an apprentice with 25mm^ and 20mm^ conduit. This was 5 lengths of each with a manual set of dyes and lopads of tallow.
On site hammer/rawlplug tool a concrete battery room. all the saddles, boxes for a conduit run of lights and sockets
i had the hammer and rawlplug tool job once. after i'd broke 3 they gave me something better to do. stripping scrap SWA for 2 days. had the last laugh though, pinched all the copper.
burning devalues the scrap. plumbers have it easy, their copper is non-insulated, as should be their tools when doing electrical work
I don't think they should even be allowed tools!