I need help. This is first time I have done electrical wiring after my 42 year old Electrical Engineering understanding. So please help how I can resolve the issue. I have now done the test as you advised and found one particular circuit in a MCB is having fault. Like if I put some load in there the RCD trips. I need help to understand how to find the cause. Please be considerate as I am new to this DYI thing. I have also noticed the other two MCB's are causing the fault as I previously mentioned. Like RCD trips after few minutes of light switched on. And now I found that those two circuits MAY NOT be faulty at all. I am sauying this because I have also tested with just RCD is on and all three MCB's are off. And still my RCD trips after few minutes. That suggests my incoming power supply wire may have faults. How can I find what is causing this RCD trip while all MCB's are OFF.The above won't eliminate anything if the fault is between neutral and earth.