Hi bud,it was a diagram of your particular layout,i was after,not Gledhill's generic drawing. The operation,and therefore the possible issues,are specific to each system,on an individual basis.
The addition or omission of a loader,or gravity flap,pump,feed or vent,in the wrong place,may or may not cause an immediate problem,until the day another thing changes,then....
If your system worked fine until presently,and has only now started tripping out,it very well could be a fail of a single,electrical item. It could be that a situation has occurred in the system,where two components switch to a position they have not normally found themselves,and this has caused the problem.
If you have someone coming out,then hopefully you can get sorted and clean
....but if your system looks identical to that generic picture...i'll dress as Gladis Emmanuel and bed-bath you myself