This particular topic has been discussed time and time again here - even in the short term i have been a member of this forum annoying everyone. :hurray:
However it always comes back to the same old thing, its a real chicken and egg scenario. You cant get the work (or do the work) because your inexperienced/unqualified, yet you cant get the experience without having done the work or hold the relevant paper work.
So every young lad and his dog are scrabbling around trying to get on board with a time served spark and hang around him all day watching what hes doing and trying to learn
the actual skills necessary to carry out electrical work. But the lads cant get this either - who wants a spotty 18 year old stuck to your face all day when you have jobs to get done? Not many people i can tell you. So trying to break into the trade is hard hard hard work, harder still picking up good, repeat, bill paying work because the competition is immense.
If your too old and already have commitments financially, such as sprogs, mortgage or rent, a girlfriend (by the far the most costly), subscriptions to housewife weekly, whatever, taking the time out of your work to go and re-train for lengthy periods, or drop your hourly wage to £0.46p or whatever it is apprentices are paid these days just isnt feasible. Yet short courses DO NOT teach you what you need to know to get balls-deep, *pardon the expression* into work properly. Likelihood is you will turn up to a job and...
a)brown your pants,
b)make a total hash of what your doing leaving the house with potentially unsafe work being completed
c)both of the above simultaneously
I firmly believe there is no real answer to this - the one thing that is however 100% essential, is the correct knowledge and suitable experience. Both of which take time to acquire. Go to bed and put down your jackie collins novel

oi oi, and pick up the regs, OSG, GN3 whatever it is, and read read read. Then when you do land your first job, you can start work confidently knowing where your at. Short courses just churn lads out ASAP, take your £6large and then drag the next batch in. You will learn, dont get me wrong, but you wont learn with your hands. That is where the graft and skill is, that is where you will go wrong without the experience. Knowledge is power, but without knowing how to chase a wall or run your cable, there wont be any power....:dunce: