I'm doing some work on a room I want to convert into an office space.
It currently has three sockets in it. One has two neutral and two live wires connected to the socket, the other two have 3 live an neutral wires (this wiring is done circa mid 60's we think.
I plan to add about 2000kw (just under) of underfloor heating and I want to take some sockets into a large cupboard area to run some server equipment and the like.
My plan was to take the socket which currently has two live wires and two neutrals wires and convert it into a 13 amp fused spur instead - from this I will run some sockets for the lower power gear in the cupboards. But I also wanted to take my electric underfloor heating from this socket too and I planned to run another separate switched fused spur for that.
So if I were to do that, I assume i'd wire it like this. Take the current socket which has two live and two neutral wires and put them into the supply side of the fused spur, also adding another feed of 2.5mm twin and earth so there are 3 live and 3 neutrals in the supply side - the two current ones and my new feed which will go to the switched fused spur i'll connect the underfloor heating to. From the load size of this first FCU i'll connect my extension sockets in the cupboard.
That's correct isn't it? Protecting two separate supplies with a 13amp fuse - one for multiple sockets and one for the underfloor heating whilst keeping the two fused loads separate.
I'm doing some work on a room I want to convert into an office space.
It currently has three sockets in it. One has two neutral and two live wires connected to the socket, the other two have 3 live an neutral wires (this wiring is done circa mid 60's we think.
I plan to add about 2000kw (just under) of underfloor heating and I want to take some sockets into a large cupboard area to run some server equipment and the like.
My plan was to take the socket which currently has two live wires and two neutrals wires and convert it into a 13 amp fused spur instead - from this I will run some sockets for the lower power gear in the cupboards. But I also wanted to take my electric underfloor heating from this socket too and I planned to run another separate switched fused spur for that.
So if I were to do that, I assume i'd wire it like this. Take the current socket which has two live and two neutral wires and put them into the supply side of the fused spur, also adding another feed of 2.5mm twin and earth so there are 3 live and 3 neutrals in the supply side - the two current ones and my new feed which will go to the switched fused spur i'll connect the underfloor heating to. From the load size of this first FCU i'll connect my extension sockets in the cupboard.
That's correct isn't it? Protecting two separate supplies with a 13amp fuse - one for multiple sockets and one for the underfloor heating whilst keeping the two fused loads separate.