Just been in local B&Q and heard an assistant telling a customer how and what he needs to add a RCD shower unit to existing consumer unit. Meter tails, Henley block ect. Why do we bother with Part P.?
agreed, we know that, but is joe public going to notify when he's just wired up his garage/shed/whatever? he's not going to go out and buy a MFT and complete a cert. coz. 1. he don't know what he's doing. 2. he won't spend a penny more than he has to. 3. who's going to know he's done the work anyway.Every job notify or not still needs to be tested and Certs issued
Every job notify or not still needs to be tested and Certs issued
How about somebody on the Forum drafts a letter to their MP and then post it online so we can all download it and send it to our MP's
Got to be worth a try
We need an 'Electric Safe' like 'Gas Safe'
I've already tried that one but I didn't get that many takers.
A common myth is that only Gassafe registered people can work on gas supplies. That is wrong. Anyone can work on it, so long as they are competent, and they are not doing it as a paid duty.
So if you think you are competent, you can work on the gas supply in your own house.
If I knew how to I'd like to put the letter on a thread and "count" the number of emails/letters sent but I don't know how!
Any offers?
How about somebody on the Forum drafts a letter to their MP and then post it online so we can all download it and send it to our MP's
Got to be worth a try
Start up a new thread and ask the members to post when they have sent one to their pm?