now can any one tell my if when a board is changed on a tn/c/s system if the main bonding is 6.00mm this can be left
i am of the opinion that it must be upgraded but i am coming across more and more NIC completed boards where the the bonding is left as 6.00mm
i am aware that on a tn/s system the 6.00mm will do but with p.m.e a lost neutral the earth can be carrying full current which is why 10.00mm is requiered
have looked at a job today that need additional circuit so will need bonding upgraded to comply but the council have just had the board change and givern certs and now im saying bonding should be upgraded can see me getting stuck in betweenthe to of them
so any definant answers out there please
i am of the opinion that it must be upgraded but i am coming across more and more NIC completed boards where the the bonding is left as 6.00mm
i am aware that on a tn/s system the 6.00mm will do but with p.m.e a lost neutral the earth can be carrying full current which is why 10.00mm is requiered
have looked at a job today that need additional circuit so will need bonding upgraded to comply but the council have just had the board change and givern certs and now im saying bonding should be upgraded can see me getting stuck in betweenthe to of them
so any definant answers out there please