Hello there good people.Having problems again with my bathroom fan.Just over a year old too.The humidistat seems very temperamental.Im always adjusting it up and down to no happy medium and recently it just won't go off.
What I'm wondering is can I somehow bypass the humidistat and just have it working off the switch?
I have it wired so I can switch it manually and this works ok.My problem being I put the isolator switch up in the loft and I'm not going up there every time I want the fan on.
It has a permanent live to operate the humidistat and a switched live which I connected to a switch outside my bathroom but oddly if you remove the permanent live the switched live doesn't turn the fan on.
So again is there an easy fix to override the humidistat?
Edit just had a thought.Could I remove the wire inside the fan that goes to permanent live and put it in the switched live? Would that cause any problems?
What I'm wondering is can I somehow bypass the humidistat and just have it working off the switch?
I have it wired so I can switch it manually and this works ok.My problem being I put the isolator switch up in the loft and I'm not going up there every time I want the fan on.
It has a permanent live to operate the humidistat and a switched live which I connected to a switch outside my bathroom but oddly if you remove the permanent live the switched live doesn't turn the fan on.
So again is there an easy fix to override the humidistat?
Edit just had a thought.Could I remove the wire inside the fan that goes to permanent live and put it in the switched live? Would that cause any problems?
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