So after what I thought was a productive day yesterday replacing old lights with LED panels, 3 of them weren't working. Turns out the voltage between line and neutral was about 210 at each of the 3 points, 245 between line and cpc. Voltage was 245 between line and neutral at all other points on the circuit.
I'm testing it coming Monday, but just racking my brain about it. The only thing I can think of is an insulation breakdown somewhere, either cables or in the click connectors. First test is naturally going to be IR, but thought I'd ask to see if anyone had any other ideas too so I can try it all Monday. Don't mind a bit of fault finding but man do I not have time for it at the moment.
I'm testing it coming Monday, but just racking my brain about it. The only thing I can think of is an insulation breakdown somewhere, either cables or in the click connectors. First test is naturally going to be IR, but thought I'd ask to see if anyone had any other ideas too so I can try it all Monday. Don't mind a bit of fault finding but man do I not have time for it at the moment.