Bipolar stepper motor H-bridge MOSFET output transistor burned out together with 100nF ceramic capacitor (in parallel between earth and +24V rail) and resettable PPTC fuse after someone decided to apply 110 AC voltage on dry contact input terminals. They said everything was working for couple of hours only with some flickering (due to AC input signal).
Manufacturer forgot to add some optocoupler or induction based coupler.
WITTMANN BATTENFELD - DOSIMAX MC Basic - Volumetric dosing - Blending - Auxiliary Equipment
Microcontroller NPN input tranistor seems intact as current there wasn't that high.
Manufacturer forgot to add some optocoupler or induction based coupler.
WITTMANN BATTENFELD - DOSIMAX MC Basic - Volumetric dosing - Blending - Auxiliary Equipment
Microcontroller NPN input tranistor seems intact as current there wasn't that high.
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