The saving I make on this device is between £60-70 per year based on my measured data. It cost me £180 to buy yes I had a friend fit it for free. Payback 180/65 =2.7 years. Yes I am promoting this device because I been really pleased with it’s a great energy saving device and of people have rubbished it. Do I have any links with company who make unit no. I am a fool I hope not. My qualifications and pear reviewed publications in the area of power generation efficiency suggests that that my scientific understand is sound. I don’t think that there is any reason for you to be so rude and nasty. I hope you’re pathetic out burst make you feel a happier person.
There are so many variables on energy usage in the home it would be difficult to verify any savings made unless everything in your home is run on a like for like basis before and after installation of any voltage reduction unit
My thanks to PClark on this one was simply a relief to my frustration that it seemed to be the only constructive comment in the thread, everything else purely dismissive with no content, as on a lot of the other forums.
So one positive poster and plenty of negative posters sways your decision in favour of installing them I'll have to think about that one. The dismissives have posted plenty of reasons not least the fact that these units appear to rewrite the laws of physics that we all use in our trade every day
I have had some limited experience with commercial versions and seen the technology working, I am disappointed that others seem not to understand that it can work. I do agree that in some cases domestically the annual bills are too low to justify the outlay, and am fully aware of the limitations regarding resistive/thermostatically heated items.
Commercial installations may work in conjuction with PF correction. Do you expect every body to lie down and accept that these units work, there appears to be a bit of bu****** attempting to baffle brains here but I still think these units are like the kings new clothes
The company I am pricing tells me that many housing associations are already installing them and indeed recommending them.
So they have read a websites case study and been taken in
The three above all seem to produce similar savings but each in a slightly different way, and with drastically different costs. So having accepted that the technology works, and realising that some people do believe in it and are already fitting it or having it fitted anyway, my problem is still which one to go for?
I think you may be on the wrong site to expect an answer to that one as at the moment you are in a majority of two
The Vphase uses 'anti-phase' voltage to maintain 220v which I am told works similar to noise reducing headphones!
I think it helps if the headphones are turned down when listening to the claims and benefits these units offer
I have only got the sales information from my supplier and briefly looked at the websites so not very 'Technical' I'm afraid, but all have helplines, just haven't had chance to ring yet.
So you have made up your mind to buy / install these units based on the lack of techinal info on a website does it not tell you something if they can't be bothered or able to put it on their website
Haha, .... it's a make believe,or virtual voltage they have in the UK now, the same as it is in Europe too. For some convoluted reason, the powers that be decided that Europe should also have a single voltage so they decided, ...on paper anyway to knock 10 volts off of UK's 240V (415/240) and added 10 volts to Europe 220v (220/380)?? So now, even though the voltages remain the same as they always were, we have this virtual or make-believe nominal voltage accross Europe of 230V (400/230)
Went to a DNO presention prior to harmonisation, a guy talked for nearly an hour on various aspects and reasons for it's introduction and at the end said that they would not be doing anything to reduce the volage to 230v as the current voltages fell within limits
I have passed on the details and comments in this and other forums and he assures me he has looked and is still determined to go ahead following advice from his DNO. He tells me the figures he has been given, although not guaranteed, show combined payback in just over 1.5 years, the commercial unit for the main buildings is 1.1 year and the 250 chalets etc 3.2yrs. Additional savings expected in lamp maintenance etc. (Incidentally his DNO which I beleive is SSE recommended Vphase)
So that's me!
So if these units are so good why do they not guarantee the savings figures they have produced or have they been over inflated to make the payback look good
I must have been absent the day they covered virtual voltages at college.
So they didn't actually drop the voltage at all......that's strange.
Then if a domestic premises has a voltage (an actual voltage not a virtual one ) of 240v and one of these optimiser units can drop it say to 220, if it's installed to supply circuits with mixed loads rather than pure heating appliances then in theory it could save maybe up to 10% of the energy consumed on those particular circuits.
If I take my own domestic installation and I used one to supply say the pool and irrigation pumps, the ceiling fan circuit that supplies all the rooms, my home office with computers/printers etc and the lighting circuits, why would it not save me up to 10% of that consumption?
Is this another one getting taken in by this hype
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