Nothing suspicious here, and yes this is my first post on this forum. I have been trawling the forums in an attempt to find the best option for a 100 unit voltage optimisation unit trial project I have been asked to price on. My thanks to PClark on this one was simply a relief to my frustration that it seemed to be the only constructive comment in the thread, everything else purely dismissive with no content, as on a lot of the other forums.
I have had some limited experience with commercial versions and seen the technology working, I am disappointed that others seem not to understand that it can work. I do agree that in some cases domestically the annual bills are too low to justify the outlay, and am fully aware of the limitations regarding resistive/thermostatically heated items.
I have found three manufacturers of domestic units via my wholesaler VPhase, VO4Home (Powerstar) and VoltisHome (Marshall Tufflex) and have heard rumours that Wylex are soon to be doing one. Although my wholesaler stocks the VoltisHome I see little evidence in any forums of any comments on any unit apart from the VPhase, so they must be doing something right. The company I am pricing tells me that many housing associations are already installing them and indeed recommending them.
The three above all seem to produce similar savings but each in a slightly different way, and with drastically different costs. So having accepted that the technology works, and realising that some people do believe in it and are already fitting it or having it fitted anyway, my problem is still which one to go for?