I received my wagobox freebee last week and it looks a good solution to complying with the 17edition regs.
The Ashley J803 is the only thing that I have seen similar at £2.25 each from senate.The wagobox works out cheaper at £1.55 and is more versatile. Of course the old JB`s are cheaper still but not comparable.
I do have a couple of questions though.
The literature they sent shows different applications
I am unsure about using a 24A 2-pole push wire terminal for a 32A ring main extension?
And I cant see if in the future one of these wagobox`s was discovered under the floor.How would I be able to check if it was LIVE or not, there is nowhere to connect my test lead’s (I don’t trust or use volt sticks). At least with the old JB`s you had some nice big screw heads to use.