Iv struck out on my own after 18 years. Tbh, I'm wondering if the money I'm ploughing into this game is worth it. I'm getting limited interest in my business right now. True it only been a couple of months. But it's worrying. A lot of the interest I'm getting is from stupid little jobs for customers who want a bargain every time. The builders it seems want the services of an independent electrical contractor but want me to work forca wage and leave the profits of the job for them. Even though it's muggings name on the certificate. I'm building a website right now which I hope helps business enquires. I'm managing just about but it's not very reasuring. I just don't seem to be picking up any juicy jobs. I'm worried this venture could become a money pit. Getting a steady run of domestic clients is hard and requires a large turnover of work since the jobs tend to be small. Getting the commercial work is nothing short of wizardry! Do we electricians have to work for builders to get continuity of work. Just that in my experience these guys are always a pain in the proverbial. That's before you ask for your money.
End of rant..
End of rant..