My inlaws have a new garden hut arriving in three weeks to the bottom of their garden which is around 103m from the house. It has various electrical appliances including a 8.4kw electric shower (!). The company making them do an EIC measured on their supply before transporting it to us. The hut has a 63A waterproof appliance plug underneath it for the hook up. The hut is more like a caravan in that it has metal wheels and chasis underneath, but it does not have metal sides. As we have livestock in the field, I want to make sure it is well grounded.
We have a groundworks team coming in a weeks time to open up trench for the water supply and pressure sewer. I need an electrician to design/advise the conductor sizing for the long run, and who can then come in and make up the socket outlet, connect at DB & minor works (?) certify it. I would like to order up the SWA and lay it to the DB to their design.
I would like to finish the supply on a wooden post in a 63a socket. I have ordered a 4m 230v 3 pin 63a extension lead (16mm H07 cable) IP67 Rated for final hookup to the hut from said socket.
We are proposing to join the distribution board in an outbuilding which is a 63A 30ma main breaker with 2 ways clear. This is fed from the main DB on a B40A MCB via. T+E. There have been no alterations to this board since it was rewired in 1996, so no readings or test cert that I am aware of, although there are recent inspection stickers. Site visit no problem. Attached photos of both boards.
I am trying this group as I don't want to get a coyboy who underspecs the submain and then find myself having to excavate again down the line. We used to use Holgate and french of Ely but they have got bankrupt.
It is both high current and long distance so we anticipate quite costly. I do not understand if I should be asking for just the provision and test of *just* a 63A socket outlet, limited to 40A at the head end, or if anything further then needs to be done once the hut arrives. I see mention on the IET sites about needing a pitch RCD and local TT-supply for caravans.
If you are interested and suitably qualified please get back to me on the direct message and I'll PM you my mobile.
Many thanks,
My inlaws have a new garden hut arriving in three weeks to the bottom of their garden which is around 103m from the house. It has various electrical appliances including a 8.4kw electric shower (!). The company making them do an EIC measured on their supply before transporting it to us. The hut has a 63A waterproof appliance plug underneath it for the hook up. The hut is more like a caravan in that it has metal wheels and chasis underneath, but it does not have metal sides. As we have livestock in the field, I want to make sure it is well grounded.
We have a groundworks team coming in a weeks time to open up trench for the water supply and pressure sewer. I need an electrician to design/advise the conductor sizing for the long run, and who can then come in and make up the socket outlet, connect at DB & minor works (?) certify it. I would like to order up the SWA and lay it to the DB to their design.
I would like to finish the supply on a wooden post in a 63a socket. I have ordered a 4m 230v 3 pin 63a extension lead (16mm H07 cable) IP67 Rated for final hookup to the hut from said socket.
We are proposing to join the distribution board in an outbuilding which is a 63A 30ma main breaker with 2 ways clear. This is fed from the main DB on a B40A MCB via. T+E. There have been no alterations to this board since it was rewired in 1996, so no readings or test cert that I am aware of, although there are recent inspection stickers. Site visit no problem. Attached photos of both boards.
I am trying this group as I don't want to get a coyboy who underspecs the submain and then find myself having to excavate again down the line. We used to use Holgate and french of Ely but they have got bankrupt.
It is both high current and long distance so we anticipate quite costly. I do not understand if I should be asking for just the provision and test of *just* a 63A socket outlet, limited to 40A at the head end, or if anything further then needs to be done once the hut arrives. I see mention on the IET sites about needing a pitch RCD and local TT-supply for caravans.
If you are interested and suitably qualified please get back to me on the direct message and I'll PM you my mobile.
Many thanks,
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